Mul Mantra

The Mul Mantra appears at the beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji before the “Jap” (known as Jap Ji Sahib). The Mul Mantra contains the basic concepts relating to Almighty God, Waheguru and is the epitome of the Sikh Faith. We all have read and heard this important Gurbani many times, but we need to understand and think about the important message it conveys and to act upon these teachings in everyday life.

“Ek-Onkaar” – God is One. The fact that the Guru Granth Sahib starts with the numeral “1” (1) emphasises the Oneness of God and the importance of this teaching. It is an Absolute value. The word “Onkaar” means that God manifests himself throughout his creation yet. Ek – God is One, for all people no matter their religion, caste or colour.

“SatNaam” – The True Name. “Sat” means True or Real and everlasting and Naam means Name but also infers the Essence of God. This Divine Essence is formless, colourless and is present in all Creation. So God is True and is immanent in all beings.

“Karta Purakh” – The Supreme Creator. Karta – God is the Creator, and Purakh – is immanent in His Creation and fills all beings. This also represents Power, God is the all Powerful Creator.

“Nirbhau”. He is without fear. Fear is only possible if there is another being to be afraid of, God is absolute, who is He to be afraid of? There is also no opposite to God (like Satan).

“Nirvair”. God is inimical to none, God has no enemies, again as he is the sole Supreme being who is he to have hatred or ill-feeling against?

“Akaal Murat”. God does not die, always exists. God is Eternal, Infinite.

“Ajooni”. He is never born. He is above the circle of reincarnation and there is none before him.

“Saibhang”. He is self-illuminated – he is from himself, is self- existent and self-sufficient.

“Gur Prasad”. He is realised by the kindness of the True Guru. One cannot claim Him, that is not our right.

This is opening of the Guru Granth Sahib and is followed by the first Salok and then by the Jap.

So the central Sikh teaching about God emphasises again and again the Oneness of God and his unique position in the Universe. It also tells us in the last line that God can be realised by all, and is not unattainable. To find him, one has to absorb oneself in His Name. This is what Guru Nanak calls as “Jap”. Call Him with deep love and devotion and He will manifest Himself to you.

Guru Nanak taught us to live within society and criticised those who left society behind to meditate in order to reach God. He said we should all meditate and remember God in our daily lives. This will motivate us to act righteously. As such Guru Nanak has given us a clear purpose of life. This is the Goal of merging with God through truthful living and remembering God’s name.

By Bhupinder Singh